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Meal Time

Meal time is always special at Berry's Patch. We celebrate our thanks through prayer, sharing of responsibilities, and pure enjoyment of our home-cooked meals.  We speak Spanish during meal time as much as possible. Berry's Patch Kids help plan the weekly menus and prepare the meals. We have special days too...  Pancake Day, Taco Tuesdays, Place Mat Day and Kid Cereal Day.

Infants are fed on demand and in accordance with the parent's wishes. When the infant starts oatmeal cereal at home, we provide oatmeal cereal at Berry's Patch. As parents add new foods at home, we also add those foods at Berry's Patch. When the baby is ready for table food, we provide healthy meals that the older children may have helped shopped for and prepare.

Research shows that the simple acts of eating can help create special moments and milestones in a child's life. Conversations at meal times help children learn about family values and traditions. Research also shows that children who eat with adults have better vocabulary skills, a more positive outlook, and are less likely to have behavior problems (U.S. Department of Agriculture - USDA ).

We serve food on child size plates and utensils. Children can have as much as they want to each. We encourage the child to try at least three bites before saying they don't like a food. We mix cooking and nutrition into our lesson plans. We've found the children are more likely to eat a food they've helped make or planned the meal.

We try to provide a variety of foods from all cultures. Children, according to the USDA learn most of their adult eating habits by age six. We introduce our children to asparagus, kale, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, tuna, a variety of cheeses, pastas and vegetables. They often grow fruits and vegetables in our gardens.

We make mealtime a time for fun and conversation.

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